Amazing! What can i nugget n fries is well done fried using this AirFryer without oil at all! n yet is still crispy! hmm, look what a technology can do right..
Rasa sgt berbaloi having this gadget in our kitchen psl mmg dh kegemaran suke mkn bende2 yg bergoreng ni,especially ayam goreng! hmm..namun yg lebih pnting,ms nk beli hr tu,niatnya selain utk km yg parents ni, yg dh hampir 30thn dok mkn bnda2 deep fry ni actually niatkan bli utk anak2, to let our children hve healthy food since young...
Ingat kembali kalo tak silap,awal tahun ni,masa berjalan2 di parkson ECM, time tu dok tgk deep fryer sbenaqnya..then promoter tu la yg introducedkan AirFryer ni to me utk pertama kalinya..time tu dia kata,"akak boleh mkan mkanan yg bergoreng,tanpa minyak langsung kalau guna airfryer ni.."waah..rasa mcm tak percaya jaa..belek2 laa,then tgk hrganya,oii maak! mcm di luar jangkauan pemikiran ja,kiki..
So,di kesempatan ini, i want to gve credit to Sue,the owner of BMUK yg provide me wif this hensome Philips AirFryer all the way from UK wif a very reasonable price! Thanks a lot su ya, really appreciate it coz i really love it..bkn gadget ni ja,mcm2 lg kitchen gadget yg su provide yg mmg telah ku rembat,hihi..saayang su! ngee...haa,yg tu lain posting ku update! Sementelah i dh create new labels in my posting,it is Kitchen Story! So bnyak2 hal psl kitchen nnti i post kat cni yer,insyaALLAH ;)
So here,layan la dulu hasil ayaq tgn Philips AirFryer yg hensome ni noo..its really did a good job and i strongly reccommend every home should hve this one if health concern is in the top list of ur priority! daa :)
wahhh..mek zah, bestnya gadget ni..aku pun teruja nak beli ni. Hopefully this gadget still in su list la. Cantik sungguh pinggan tu noo..Australia mari tu..;p
haa,beli nis belii...ang cb la tgk ada lg x dlm album kalo tuk trip 9 dh due date dh.ang tggu la dia load gambaq apa lak yg ada dlm trip 10 noo..mmg puas hati la nis gadget ni,must have kitchen gadget doo! ;)
australia mari tu yg chomeey lebey tu,kiki...
nis,trip 10 aku tgk ado lagi bmuk provide benda alah ni,grab ar mek..series aku ckp kat mesia mahai giler benda ni..seribun lebey ok! as for me,mmg puah hati la pkai ni,berbaloi2.. ;)
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